Field trip in the semi-arid Gujarat Alluvial Plain

Journal Title: Landform Analysis - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 35


This report contains short information about the geomorphological field trip in the Gujarat Alluvial Plain. During the field trip the issues of fluvial landform and alluvial deposits of the rivers were discussed: Sabarmathi River, Mahi River, Narmada River and Karjan River. Particular attention was paid to the relief and geological structure of the Gujarat Alluvial Plain, dissected by the valleys of several rivers. The role of tectonics, sea level fluctuations and climate changes and their influence on the course of fluvial, aeolian and sea accumulation in the lower sections of river valleys was emphasized.

Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Gębica, Lucyna Wachecka-Kotkowska, Paweł Kotkowski


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  • EP ID EP302980
  • DOI 10.12657/landfana.035.004
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How To Cite

Piotr Gębica, Lucyna Wachecka-Kotkowska, Paweł Kotkowski (2017). Field trip in the semi-arid Gujarat Alluvial Plain. Landform Analysis, 0(35), 17-20.