Filozoficzno-egzystencjalna anatomia choroby, cierpienia i śmierci
Journal Title: Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 2
Despite the fact that there exists a substantial amount of scientific works dedicated to various aspects of illness, suffering, dying and death – all the research still appears to be incomplete. Very often they offer only one point of view, are very limited or not coherent. One can’t help but doubt, if it is possible at all to write a fully objective and “to the point”, short philosophical essay about the complicated “world of illness”, human suffering, dying and death. That problem seems being increased by the fact, that every time the words in those dramatic matters are spoken, there is no empirical verification of the thesis or any proof for the truthfulness of the established results. It is set on theoretical analysis of what best describes the unfathomable “mystery”. That’s why it looks as if only philosophy is a knowledge domain competent enough to, by “asking about the human being”, show his living status, destiny and cause. The most suitable area of research is the metaphysical fragility of the human’s life, which includes the suffering, pain, illness and death. And all of them are what the human nature (spiritual and carnal) is composed of.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Mrzygłód
Głosiciel Chrystusa dzisiaj
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