Financial Check Up of Family Finance to Strengthen Family Welfare: The Case of Swadaya Credit Union Members-Surabaya
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 1
Some of the symptoms of financial problems are very apprehensive and need to find a solution together so that family goals as both employees and or business actors can be achieved and not vice versa a divorce caused by financial problems. As for one of the initial solutions through financial check-up activities. Financial check-up is a checking activity on financial condition. This activity intends to identify the possibility of financial disturbance to the family either as an employee and/or business actor at an early stage. The target of this community service activity is the members of CU self-supporting cooperatives and prospective members. This activity provides some of the key findings: First, Young people want prosperity in their future where well-being is a good situation, a human condition where people are prosperous, in good health and with ability. Second, related to financial belief, young people are judged to have confidence related to their finances in the future by studying financial intelligence, improving the ability of business entrepreneurs by regularly attending various seminars and training in entrepreneurship, menu, entrepreneurial spirit, smart financial management and learn about microfinance institutions. Third, Credit Union is the best choice for the community especially its members to help develop the business and provide the needs and needs of families, individuals and groups. Lena Ellitan | Robertus Sigit HL | Dominicus Wahyu Perdana"Financial Check Up of Family Finance to Strengthen Family Welfare: The Case of Swadaya Credit Union Members-Surabaya" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-1 , December 2017, URL:
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