Financial security of state budget investment in Ukraine

Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2018, Vol 28, Issue 1


Introduction. Modern globalization processes form a number of challenges for Ukraine's financial security, especially in the budget segment. This situation is conditioned by the negative dynamics of the development of the social and economic sphere, which is expressed, in particular, in the "chronic" deficit of the state budget. It is the main threat to the financial security of the country. As a result, the problem of the effectiveness of state budget investment, which is the foundation of economic growth and social development, is emerging. Purpose. The article aims to identify the main problems of functioning of state budget investment as an integral part of fiscal policy in the system of financial security of Ukraine. Method (methodology). To achieve this goal, the following general scientific and special methods are used: method of induction and deduction, logical generalization method, method of analysis and synthesis, method of comparison, method of grouping, graphic methods. Results. System of financial security has been characterized. Indicators of financial security of the state and its investment component have been analysed. The role of state budget investment in ensuring financial security of Ukraine has been explored. The system of state budget investment has been characterized. The actual problems and risks have been outlined on the way of its development. Means of effective use of budget funds of investment character have been offered.

Authors and Affiliations

Vitaliy Pantelyeyev


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How To Cite

Vitaliy Pantelyeyev (2018). Financial security of state budget investment in Ukraine. Економічний аналіз, 28(1), 154-160.