Financial Sustainability of Local Government
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu - Year 2018, Vol 78, Issue 1
The concept of sustainable development has become, over the last few decades, very popular, both in scientific and popular discourse. The sustainability of development cannot be viewed only in economic, ecological or social terms; one must search for solutions which will make it possible to harmonize development objectives in all domains of human life. Thinking and acting must focus on integrated development, which enhances the quality of life in all domains of individual and social life in a harmonious manner. Research into sustainable development must incorporate the concept of integrated order, which should be understood as a final positive state to be achieved as a result of developmental changes, combining other component orders in a cohesive way and which can also be referred to as the target system of sustainable development. Sustainability, which can refer to many aspects, is a key concept in the context of both regional and local development. The article is an attempt to add yet another dimension to the discussion: financial sustainability of budgets of local authorities. Over the last dozen or so years, the lack of sustainability has resulted in a considerable level of debt of Polish local authorities.
Authors and Affiliations
Daniel Jurewicz
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