Fir Reproduction Technology for Harvesting Coniferous Boughs
Journal Title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) - Year 2021, Vol 9, Issue 6
The article considers the use of innovative technologies in logging industry. Manufacture of products “for health” can turn into a substantial profit if one approaches the business competently and chooses a low-competitive niche. Nowadays, there are still types of industries where competition is minimal, despite high consumer demand. These include the industrial production of fir needle oil, which is popular with consumers. It is famous for its healing properties and is used in treating colds, intestinal issues, joints, and nervous disorders; in the manufacture of cosmetics and medicines (ointments and creams). However, there are a number of issues related to the organization of the fir needle oil production, which are the basis of legislation in this area. This applies to the harvesting of raw materials. The share of fir stands in the composition of forests is constantly decreasing. In the European part of Russia, it became necessary to find a way to ensure a regular supply of fir needle oil enterprises with the necessary raw materials. The article proposes a new technology for the artificial reproduction of fir plantations for the purpose of their further use in the production of fir needle oil. A periodic cycle, which allows producing fir needle oil wherever a fir plantation is laid out, is recommended. The design of the device has also been developed. It helps to reduce the planting time, the loads on people when forming the planting spot and thereby increase labor productivity. The article materials can serve as a guide for the efficient use of production resources (people and machinery) for those who lease land for fir growing for oil production. For citation: Tsarev E.М., Rukomojnikov K.P., Anisimov S.E., Tatarinov D.S. Fir Reproduction Technology for Harvesting Coniferous Boughs. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2021, no. 6, pp. 79–88. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2021-6-79-88
Authors and Affiliations
E. М. Tsarev, K. P. Rukomojnikov, S. E. Anisimov, D. S. Tatarinov
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