First Forensic Record of Blowfly, Calliphora vicina, Larvae on an Indoor Human Corpse in Winter, South of Iran
Journal Title: International Journal of Forensic Science & Pathology (IJFP) - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 1
A new report of necrophagous blowfly, Calliphora vicina (Diptera: Calliphoridae), larvae from a human corpse found in the bathroom of a house during winter in Shiraz, Fars province, south of Iran, is presented. An autopsy revealed that the cadaver was an 83-year-old solitary-living Iranian female having a stroke during bath. The minimum time elapsed since death was estimated to have been less than 5 days prior to the discovery of the bloated cadaver at defined ambient temperatures. As such, this synanthropic species was associated with the early wave of colonizing cadaver-feeding insects that were found on a corpse after death. This is the first corroborated evidence of a forensic entomology case involving this bluebottle blowfly species of insect in south of Iran and this species can be helpful in the future to support the estimation on the time elapsed since death in this region.
Authors and Affiliations
Moemenbellah Fard
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