First record of Anopheles aquasalis associated with malaria transmission in a community in Buriticupu municipality, Maranhão state, Brazil

Journal Title: Journal of Research in Biology - Year 2015, Vol 5, Issue 5


Anopheles aquasalis is an important malaria vector in the northwestern coast of Brazil and is currently found in the intra continental regions. Insect studies were conducted in the Buriticupu municipality, Maranhão state, Brazil in the period of 2006 to 2011 between 6:00 h and 18:00 h comprising three environment types viz., intra, peri and extradomicile; with the objective of assessing the presence of anophelines related to malaria transmission. A total of 17 individuals of Anopheles aquasalis were collected in the area. We conclude that this species dispersed to the intracontinental region, in an area 300 km distant from the coastal belt

Authors and Affiliations

Vera Lúcia Lopes de Barros, Fábio Medeiros da Costa, Antônio Rafael da Silva, Eloisa da Graça Rosário Gonçalves, Wanderli Pedro Tadei


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How To Cite

Vera Lúcia Lopes de Barros, Fábio Medeiros da Costa, Antônio Rafael da Silva, Eloisa da Graça Rosário Gonçalves, Wanderli Pedro Tadei (2015). First record of Anopheles aquasalis associated with malaria transmission in a community in Buriticupu municipality, Maranhão state, Brazil. Journal of Research in Biology, 5(5), 1782-1787.