Фіскальна політика держави: сутність та аналіз особливостей складових з їх компонентами [The Fiscal Policy of the State: the Essence and the Analysis of the Features of its Constituents with their Components]
Journal Title: Traektoriâ Nauki - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 8
The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze the features of the constituents of the fiscal policy of the state with their components. The fiscal policy of the state as one of the key components of the state financial policy: 1) plays an essential role in regulating the economy by influencing the state revenues and expenditures; 2) is caused by a number of factors (causes), in particular the requirements of the European integration processes, decentralization and the fight against systemic crisis phenomena in the economy. Today, Ukraine's fiscal policy does not fully realize its potential, which determines the relevance of the issues raised in the work. It has been clarified that the fiscal policy of the state should be understood as the purposeful policy in the field of state budget revenues, the policy of establishing (defining) and receiving (accumulation) of its revenues (i.e. the state budget) in order to solve such key (main) tasks as : 1) reduction of the general level of unemployment; 2) raising the standard of living of the population; 3) stimulation of entrepreneurial activity (initiative); 4) prevention of inefficient use of resources; 5) development of innovation and investment activity; 6) preventing the growth of inflation. It has been found out that the main (key) integral structural components of the fiscal policy of the state are: 1) the policy of state income (revenues), which consists of the targeted activity of the state in regulating tax, non-tax and other revenues on a non-refundable basis in accordance with the legislation in force in a particular country (including fees for the provision of administrative services, transfers, own revenues (receipts) of budget institutions and organizations) in order to effectively perform state functions; 2) the policy of state expenditures, which should be understood as the targeted state activity in regulating budget expenditures, providing loans from the budget, repaying debt and placing budget funds in deposits, purchasing securities, etc. It has been proved that the strategic goals of the fiscal policy of Ukraine should be: 1) unshadowing the economy; 2) creating a favorable investment climate; 3) ensuring the investment of resources into the human capital, in the first turn, into the educational and professional potential; 4) optimization of the structure of budget revenues/expenditures; 5) carrying out the weighted debt policy, etc. The prospect of further research in this direction is the development of practical proposals (recommendations) for improving Ukraine’s fiscal policy in the context of anti-crisis measures.
Authors and Affiliations
O. I. Ogirko, Ihor Kret
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