Flow-based Balancing Solution of Traffic Policing
Journal Title: Проблеми телекомунікацій - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 1
The paper proposes a flow-based model of load balancing with a consistent solution of traffic profiling tasks and multipath routing in conditions of network operation close to overloading. The mathematical model is represented by algebraic equations and inequalities of network condition: the conditions for implementing multipath routing, the equations of flow conservation, the conditions for preventing overloading of communication links and the network as a whole, as well as the conditions for balancing possible service failures on the network edge. The model describes a multi-flow case, which allowed simulating variants of simultaneous joint transmission of packets of several heterogeneous flows between different pairs of network routers. Using the proposed model, the load balancing problem was reduced to the solution of the optimization problem of linear programming. At the same time, the criterion was the minimum of the upper dynamically controlled failure threshold for all flows in the network as a whole. A number of numerical examples demonstrated the efficiency and adequacy of the proposed model and the effectiveness of the final solutions. The study of load balancing processes using the proposed model showed that the restriction of the intensity of flows at the network edge is adaptive: flows with greater intensity have been limited to a greater extent. It is their role in the emerging network overloading that was crucial. The development of the proposed approach is seen in the consideration of the case of differentiated flow restrictions on the network edge, taking into account their key parameters affecting the QoS level, for example, a priority and length of packets, IP and MAC addresses, TCP/UDP port numbers, etc.
Authors and Affiliations
Найм Абдулвахд Моханад, Салем Алі Алі
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