Fluidisation Enhancement Of Swirling Fluidised Bed Dryer With Distributor And Plenumchamber Modification

Journal Title: International Journal of Scientific Research and Management - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 6


The hydrodynamic properties and mixing pattern in gas - solid fluidized beds are dependent on many parameters, such as gas properties , solid properties, gas entrance conditions, and distributor geometry. The fluidized bed is seen as a mass oscillating on top of an air - filled cavity called plenum chamber. . The swirling fliudised bed dryer plenum chamber section plays a vital role in distributing the fluid before it enters the distributor. The quality of distribution affects the performance of the fluidized bed. Most researchers who investigate the hydrodynamics of fluidized beds did not take the effect of the plenum i nto account . Here fluidization enhancement of a swirling fluidized bed dryer with plenum chamber and distributor plate is taken into account and remodification is done.

Authors and Affiliations

Mufeed V E


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Mufeed V E (2016). Fluidisation Enhancement Of Swirling Fluidised Bed Dryer With Distributor And Plenumchamber Modification. International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, 4(6), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-218203