Follow-up of inflammatory and erosive lesions of glans penis during magnetic and LED light therapy – a case study

Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2010, Vol 10, Issue 2


Introduction. The aim of the study was to assess the therapeutic effects of low induction magnetic field, R red light and infrared LED light on inflammatory and erosive lesions of skin and glans penis. The subject was a 50-year-old patient with a five-year history of balanoposthitis.Material and methods. The authors followed up and assessed inflammatory and erosive lesions of the skin of the penis and glans penis in a patient with recurring balanoposthitis. The patient underwent two 3-week sessions of treatment by active emission of a low induction magnetic field, red light and infrared LED light, called magnetic field and LED light therapy. The sessions were separated by a one-week break.Results. The evolution of inflammatory and erosive lesions of the penis and glans penis in response to magnetic field and LED light therapy indicates an anti-inflammatory effect of low induction magnetic field and LED light. Satisfactory results were obtained in the form of shallowing or complete closure of the erosions as well as regression of pain and itch.Conclusions. Treatment with low induction magnetic field, red light and infrared LED light, called magnetic field and LED light therapy, may be applied in the treatment of inflammatory and erosive lesions of the penis and glans penis.

Authors and Affiliations

Romualda Mucha , Aleksander Sieroń


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How To Cite

Romualda Mucha, Aleksander Sieroń (2010). Follow-up of inflammatory and erosive lesions of glans penis during magnetic and LED light therapy – a case study. Fizjoterapia Polska, 10(2), 165-169.