Food safety versus food security in a world of famine
Journal Title: Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences and Humanities - Year 2020, Vol 5, Issue 1
Aim: The article aims to presents aspects of interference between food security as a priority objective of global security, in general and security of each state, in particular, with food safety, regulated by increasingly demanding norms. These legal food safety regulations, which can be exaggerated in some situations, are further exacerbating food waste, to the detriment of the population from Earth who is suffering of famine. The purpose of the research is to reveal the negative situation created by the tightening of regulations regarding food safety and food security. Findings: The findings depict that the food waste does not refer to the remains from the consumers’ table or those resulting from handling and storing the food products. As a paradox, this waste arrived currently to translate into excessive care for their safety by exaggerating the food safety measures. The maximum limits admitted for different contaminants is almost constantly changing, and sometimes these shifts are only the expression of extreme care and concern somehow selfish of the people from the developed countries. Implications/Novel Contribution: Wasting food is not only an ethical and economic issue, but it also depletes the environment of limited natural resources. The research findings imply that all actors in the food chain have a role to play in preventing and reducing food waste. The findings can be useful for those who produce and process foods (farmers, food manufacturers and processors) to those who make foods available for consumption (hospitality sector, retailers) and ultimately consumers themselves.
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