Foodborne botulism in Poland in 2015 / Zatrucia jadem kiełbasianym w Polsce w 2015 roku

Journal Title: Przegląd Epidemiologiczny - Year 2017, Vol 71, Issue 3


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this article is to assess the epidemiology of foodborne botulism in Poland in 2015 compared to previous years MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed (1) national surveillance data published in the annual bulletin “Infectious diseases and poisonings in Poland in 2015” and in previous publications, and (2) unpublished data retrieved from botulism case reports for 2015 sent from Sanitary-Epidemiological Stations to the Department of Epidemiology NIPH-NIH. RESULTS: In 2015, a total of 30 foodborne botulism cases (including 18 laboratory confirmed) was reported; the annual incidence rate (0.08 per 100,000 population) was remarkably similar to that reported in previous year and to the median incidence for years 2009 to 2013. The highest incidence in the country was reported in Świętokrzyskie (0.24), Lubelskie (0.23) and Zachodniopomorskie province (0.23). Incidence in rural areas (0.13 per 100,000 population) was over 3-times higher than the incidence in urban areas (0.04). Similarly, men had more than 3 times higher incidence than women; As in previous year the highest incidence rate (0.30 per 100,000 population) was observed among men in the age group of 20-24 years. Most cases were associated with consumption of different types of commercially canned meat. Commercially produced canned fishery items were also a common vehicle. All cases except one were hospitalized. No deaths related to the disease were reported. CONCLUSIONS: In 2015, the annual incidence of foodborne botulism in Poland was remarkably similar to that reported in previous years. Since 2008 the number of foodborne botulism is stabilizing with an average of 30 cases per year and corresponding incidence rate of 0.08 per 100,000 population. It is important to conduct thorough epidemiological investigation of each case, in order to identify the most common food vehicles for botulism and other risk factors.

Authors and Affiliations

Michał Czerwiński, Mirosław P. Czarkowski, Barbara Kondej


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Michał Czerwiński, Mirosław P. Czarkowski, Barbara Kondej (2017). Foodborne botulism in Poland in 2015 / Zatrucia jadem kiełbasianym w Polsce w 2015 roku. Przegląd Epidemiologiczny, 71(3), 339-344.