Foray Spotlight System
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 6
This Project "Foray spotlight system" is used for protecting the Computer from Malware attacks. It is a real time project and system security software which is used to identify the malicious activities in a computer. Malwares are the main problem for computers. Once it enters into the computer it will corrupt the files. Foray spotlight system acts like an antivirus software. It detects malwares like other antivirus software's, but it has some more additional advantages. Malwares are easily spread over the computer at the time of connecting the external devices like Pen-drive, Card reader, etc. and it has various steps to clear malwares. First it checks for a malware and asks the user whether to destroy or not. If the user chooses destroy option it will destroy file or else choose track option for tracking for malware. If it is able to track, then it will clear the malware. If it is unable to track, it will block the file. It has more graphical interface than the antivirus software's. Additional feature like auto boost technology increase the performance of the system. It identifies and removes the unwanted running programs. This Malwares detection method is more effective than other system protecting software. Mrs A. Nalini "Foray Spotlight System" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-6 , October 2018, URL:
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