Foreign experience of the implementation of systemic changes in the budget policy
Journal Title: Економічний вісник університету - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 35
The subject of the research is a set of theoretical and practical questions of the formation and implementation of a budget policy in the context of transformation of the economy. The purpose of the article is an identification of the leading world experience in introducing new management technologies of the budget management for the modernization of the Ukrainian budget policy. The methodology of the work. It was used a set of scientific methods and approaches in the work, including systematic, structural and comparative methods, which allowed to realize the conceptual unity of the research. The results of the work. In the middle of the XX century it was found that due to problems with the using of budget funds, western countries of the world were forced back to introduce into the budget process new management technologies aimed at qualitative transformations in the field of budget policy, such as, the program-target method. It was explored the order of application of the program-target method in foreign countries. As the practice shows, today there is no better method for the formation, implementation, monitoring and control of budget execution, and for assessing the effectiveness of budget programs. It was investigated that application of the program-target method enables to predict the results of each budget program implementation, as well as to evaluate the efficiency of the using of public funds at each stage. The proposed proposals for the application of the program-target method in Ukraine swill facilitate the transition from the practice of using of budget funds to planning and evaluating the final results, and increasing the responsibility for implementing budget programs. The field of application of the results: organization and conducting of scientific researches in the field of improvement of budget policy in the conditions of transformational changes. Conclusions: The state policy in the field of budget regulation in foreign countries is carried out taking into consideration of the peculiarities of the socio-economic development of the country, its administrative and territorial units, and the importance of transforming the budget mechanism into an effective instrument of economic growth, and harmonizing budget policy with the main tasks of a strategic economic development. The software target method is one of the main methods of managing public funds in the medium term, and it is aimed at developing budget-oriented programs aimed at the end result. Using this method of budget planning, state financial institutions implement long-term and medium-term budget indicators in order to achieve the goals set in accordance with the strategic priorities of the economic and social development of the country. The abovementioned approach to budget planning will facilitate the implementation of a set of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of budget allocations and will ensure a sufficient level of transparency in decision-making in the field of public financial regulation.
Authors and Affiliations
Oksana Perchuk
Формування видатків бюджету як складової суспільного розвитку
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