Foreign Language Learning in Turkey: A Comparative Look at Different Practices in Europe
Journal Title: International Journal of Langauges' Education and Teaching - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 1
One goal of this study is to document the common practices in K-12 foreign language instruction in European countries and to compare and contrast these with the related practices in Turkey. To that end, this study examines the starting ages, duration and total teaching hours of compulsory first foreign language education, as well as the EF English Proficiency Index scores. This study also aims to investigate teachers’ opinions on common practices via focus group interviews. It is believed that this research will contribute substantially to the ongoing discussion in the field of educational policies. The results reveal that the prevalent practices regarding age and duration of foreign language instruction in Turkey are similar to those in the selected European countries. However, when the compulsory foreign language instruction period across all the education levels is taken into consideration, the total hours allotted in Turkey seem comparatively high. All teachers interviewed believe that Turkey’s policy of introducing second-graders to their compulsory first foreign language is a positive step. Moreover, some suggestions were made for foreign language policy makers and English language teachers that emphasize a need for improvement in timetabling and how to better address students’ learning idiosyncrasies at an early age.
Authors and Affiliations
Ömer Özer, Tuğba YANPAR YELKEN
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