Formacja ludzka kandydatów do kapłaństwa według „Zasad formacji kapłańskiej w Polsce” z 1999 roku i uchwał II Polskiego Synodu Plenarnego
Journal Title: Kościół i Prawo - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 1
Ecclesiastical legislator committed conference of bishops in each country to develop a program of priestly formation. Polish Bishops Conference has issued standards that have been approved by the Congregation for Catholic Education in 1999. Issue of this document coincided with the end of the Second Polish Plenary Synod. His resolutions have some indications as to the formation in the seminary. These documents drew attention to the fact that the contemporary socio-cultural changes significantly influenced the appearance of gaps in the human formation of persons who want to become priests. The legislator stressed that the realization of humanity in this most important task seminarian seminary formation. It contributes to the personal development of the candidate, as well as in the long term, helps build relationships in pastoral work. Important elements of human formation seminarian is to achieve emotional maturity, mature form of freedom and the formation of responsible conscience. The introduction of the propaedeutical period and psychology to enable the candidate to the priesthood obtaining mature human formation. They are useful in even out difference and fill gaps in this sphere of formation.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Pawlak
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