Formation and development of Mykola Kostomarov's historiosophical views


The domestic and foreign factors of formation and formation of the historiosophical views of the young M. I. Kostomarov are considered. It was shown that during the Kharkiv period the formation of the historiosophical vision of M. I. Kostomarov took place, and in Kiev the formation of the main features of his historiosophical concept. It was proved that in the mid–1830s − mid–1840s M. I. Kostomarov was formed and established as a Ukrainian philosopher of romantic, nation-loving, Slavophil and christocentric world outlook. In the creative work of the thinker found a reflection on such historiosophical problems as histogenesis of mankind, including the Slavs, the purpose, motive, content, structure and prospects of Ukrainian history. In the center of the historiosophy M. I. Kostomarov was the Ukrainian people as a motive of historical existence with their peopleʼs idea, character and needs. According to the thinker, the key factor in the progress of history was the issue of faith, which was interwoven with social, political, military and ethnic factors. The purpose of history was the realization of the main popular idea of Ukrainians, which they saw as independence and freedom. M. I. Kostomarov formulated the idea of national-cultural revival of Ukraine and the creation of a democratic and republican society within the federation of Slavic peoples, which was an alternative to the imperial regimes. Contradictions in the thinkerʼs outlook are associated with the presence of double loyalty and identity.

Authors and Affiliations

Serhii Svitlenko


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  • EP ID EP260365
  • DOI 10.15421/261702
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How To Cite

Serhii Svitlenko (2017). Formation and development of Mykola Kostomarov's historiosophical views. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія Історія та археологія., 25(1), 16-28.