Formation of photosynthetic productivity of winter wheat under the action of Derby and Biolan.

Journal Title: «Таврійський науковий вісник» - Year 2018, Vol 100, Issue 1


The results of studies on the study of the effect of different rates of herbicide Derby introduced separately and in conjunction with the plant growth regulator Biolan on the photosynthetic productivity of winter wheat are presented. It was established that the joint application of the herbicide and plant growth regulator provided the maximum growth of the leaf surface area. Thanks to the increased assimilation activity of plants, an increase in the net productivity of photosynthesis and the leaf index, the photosynthetic potential of crops is significantly increased and, in the final analysis, the yield of the crop is increased.

Authors and Affiliations

І. Б. Леонтюк, О. В. Голодрига, О. І. Заболотний, Л. В. Розборська


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How To Cite

І. Б. Леонтюк, О. В. Голодрига, О. І. Заболотний, Л. В. Розборська (2018). Formation of photosynthetic productivity of winter wheat under the action of Derby and Biolan.. «Таврійський науковий вісник», 100(1), 111-118.