Formation of the system of informational support of agricultural producers in the process of insurance of agrarian risks


In the modern terms of economic instability the developed not enough systems of dataware of agrarian insurance limit effectiveness of insurance process in agrarian business. For this reason for the decision of this problem theoretical aspects are reasonable in relation to the dataware of insurance of risks of agricultural activity. The article is sanctified to opening of value of forming of the system of dataware of agricultural commodity producers in the process of insurance of agrarian risks. Offer events are in relation to the improvement of dataware of agricultural commodity producers and forming of the national only centralized base of these informative resources for agrarian insurance. Research of different aspects of dataware of agricultural commodity producers many home and foreign scientists-economists engaged in, among them: V. I. Knorring, L.А. Matveyev, S.А. Navrotskiy, А.А. Osadets, О. Pavlenko, L.V. Shirinyan, and other. The aim of the article is an exposure of features of forming of the system of dataware of agricultural commodity producers in the process of insurance of agrarian risks and determination of directions of optimization of dataware of agricultural commodity producers; a ground of expediency of creation of the only centralized base of these informative resources is for insurance of agrarian risks. A research object are processes of insurance of agrarian risks. The aim of research is totality of theoretical, methodical and applied aspects of forming of the system of dataware of agricultural commodity producers in the process of insurance of agrarian risks. The system of scientific and special methods of scientific cognition is fixed in basis of research. Development of agrarian insurance in Ukraine is impossible without the proper dataware and creation of the national only centralized base of these informative resources of agrarian insurance. Thus, the presence of information comes forward as a government an agricultural enterprise base, and thus responsible for his profitability and profitability. Successfully to manage an economy and manage to protect the risks agrarians must require creation of wide infobase.

Authors and Affiliations

Nadiia Pysarenko


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How To Cite

Nadiia Pysarenko (2018). Formation of the system of informational support of agricultural producers in the process of insurance of agrarian risks. Стратегія економічного розвитку України, 42(), 162-177.