Forming of Concept of Reflection as Mechanism of Self-Organization of Identity

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 1


Forming of reflection as thinking charts and trigger hook of practical action in the ancient world was the important factor of origin of «axial time» (K.Jaspers). In this period rose up moral as reflection and regulator volitional activity, logician as a reflective watching of truth of motion of idea, democracy as reflective mutual recognition by the citizens of dignity each other, religions of monotheists (Judaism, Brahmanism, Vedanta, Christianity, some schools of Buddhism) also classic philosophy. A reflection as component of self-consciousness became the important mechanism of self-organization of identity beginning from axial time. Socrates educed the necessity of reflective realization of difference general from single in the process of thinking and assisted realization of moral as form of of public consciousness. Plato set forth a thinking idea as conversation of the soul with itself and reflective comprehension of transition from one idea to other in the process of thinking. Aristotle found out, that felling, perception and imagination accompanied by the original perception-thinking (realization, reflection), but the last is higher by nature, than first, and in an opposition to it, a mind thinks divine, that is one nature with him, and is thinking of thinking.

Authors and Affiliations

Yaroslav Lyubiviy


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  • EP ID EP661312
  • DOI 10.35423/2078-8142.2019.1-2.01
  • Views 271
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How To Cite

Yaroslav Lyubiviy (2019). Forming of Concept of Reflection as Mechanism of Self-Organization of Identity. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(1), 3-30.