Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 12
У статті проаналізовано використання фінансових ресурсів держави на охорону навколишнього природного середовища. Відповідно до визначених завдань функціонування фондів охорони навколишнього природного середовища наведено етапи створення механізму розвитку фондів. В роботі обґрунтовано функції, які розкривають сутність механізму розвитку фондів охорони навколишнього природного середовища. Визначено переваги реалізації механізму розвитку фондів охорони навколишнього природного середовища та окреслено перспективи його використання на рівні взаємозв’язків суб’єктів господарювання і держави. Creating of Environmental Protection Funds solves current problems on loss restoration, amends to the environment and also implements preventive conservation measures. The appropriate structures are formed by executive bodies of state power in regions and cities. The research showed that low rates of state budget fulfillment are identified in the environmental protection expenditures (fulfillment level - 55.4%), that defines the scarcity of ecological funding in Ukraine. The development mechanism implementation of environmental protection funds will ensure the effective usage of the available state funds. The main purpose and objective of development mechanism of environmental protection funds is the accumulation of relevant sources and their usage in the interests of environmental protection, as well as targeted funding of environmental measures aimed at reducing the impact of environmental pollution on human health. The idea of the proposed mechanism is based on the interaction of three steps - identifying and clarifying of goals, mechanism subsystems formation, goals achievements. Thus, all the strategic components are covered and the financial side is taken into account that allows economical providing of the mechanism objective. The main advantages of the development mechanism implementation of environmental protection funds are: development and implementation of programs for environmental protection and rational use of natural resources; stabilization of ecological balance; implementation of measures aimed at reducing the impact of pollution on health and living conditions of the population; amends on environmental crises; implementation of activities related to the restoration and protection of natural resources; organization of environmental monitoring, creation of environmental information system and bank; development and implementation of economic mechanism of natural resource use and environmental regulations and standards; scientific conferences and seminars organization and holding, exhibitions on promoting environmental awareness, publication of printed materials on natural potential saving.
Authors and Affiliations
Y. Romanovska
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