Foucault As the Pharmakon
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ - Year 2016, Vol 12, Issue 1
In my article, I will try to find an answer to a question: Is Michel Foucault’s oeuvre still up to date or has it become one of the respected but foregone relics of humanities? I would inscribe Foucault’s thought into the “logic of pharmakon,” that is, a means being, at the same time, both a poison and a cure. I will show, polemically to Ewa Domańska, that Foucault’s thought remains valid nowadays. It allows us to question the subjectivity, status of norms, and normalization in such manner that we can perceive, on the one hand, mechanisms of power and knowledge and, on the other hand, we can give an account of subjects’ autonomy and self-determination, including their impact on norms at work in society.
Authors and Affiliations
Marcin Bogusławski
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