Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer with attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) for analysis of uroliths in caprine species
Journal Title: Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences - Year 2021, Vol 52, Issue 2
Pathophysiology of obstructive urolithiasis in goats are multifactorial involving management, nutritional and hormonal factors. Analysis of the composition of a particular urolith would aid in understanding the aetiopathogenesis of the calculi which can facilitate establishment of appropriate treatment and prevention protocols. Four cases of chronic obstructive urolithiasis in male goats presented to University Veterinary Hospital were surgically managed by tube cystotomy. The calculi extracted from the bladder were subjected to Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer with attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) to identify the composition of the calculi.The infrared wavelength bandwidths of H-O-H stretching vibrations, H-O-H bending modes of vibrations of water molecules, N-H symmetric stretching vibrations, N-H bending vibration and N-H asymmetric bending vibration in NH4+ unit’s ionic phosphate were compared with the available reference spectrum of wavelength and were found to be identical and comparable with the standard infrared wavelength of struvite calculi.
Authors and Affiliations
Anvitha Hansoge Sudheesh S Nair M. V. Chinnu M. K. Narayanan K. D. John Martin
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