FPGA Based Control for EMI Mitigation in Flyback Power Converters
Journal Title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 6
In this paper many spread-spectrum schemes, several of which are new, have been designed and implemented for conducted-noise reduction in DC-DC converters. A field programmable gate array (FPGA) has made substantial improvements in price and performance throughout the past few years. The implementation of the schemes has been accomplished by using FPGA-based controller. A breadboard circuit has been built-up for investigating the effect of all the proposed schemes on conducted-noise spectrum in DC-DC converters. Furthermore, a comparative study has been carriedout to reach the most efficient scheme in spreading the conducted-noise spectrum. Experimental results show that randomizing each of carrier frequency, duty-ratio, and the pulse position parameters significantly improves the conductednoise spectrum and effectively reduces the noise peaks at both high and low frequency ranges.
Authors and Affiliations
C. Paramasivan Vignesh, A. Dinesh Kumar, S. Niranchan Kumar, R. Pandiyarajan
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