Францiшак Скарына i беларускае Адраджэнне (XVI ст.)
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2008, Vol 1, Issue 0
The written Belorussian heritage of the Renaissance is a unique phenomenon in the European culture. In years 1517-1519 Francis Skoryna published in Prague 23 books of the Bible in the Old Belorussian language. In introductions and epilogues to the first published edition of the Bible in Eastern Belorussia and the territory of today’s Poland Skoryna inherited and creatively developed the outlook on life presented in works of Basil the Great, Dionysius Areopagite, Gregory the Theologian, Efrema of Syria, Jan from Damascus, Cyril from Turow and others. This spiritual-ethical heritage is fundamentally different than ancient, to which the Western-European Renaissance reffered.
Authors and Affiliations
Halina Twaranowicz
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