Franz Posset, Johann Reuchlin (1455–1522). A Theological Biography, Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte 129, Berlin–Boston: De Gruyter, 2015, XXVI, ss. 917
Journal Title: Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 2
Authors and Affiliations
Rajmund Pietkiewicz
Sprawozdanie z konferencji „Człowiek wobec informacji”, Wrocław, 4 kwietnia 2017 r.
Misterium niepokalanego poczęcia w mariologii bł. Johna H. Newmana
The truth of the Immaculate Conception was the focal point of Newman’s teaching on our Lady. It was a fi tting preparation for her who was to be the Mother of God Incarnate. From her divine Motherhood fl ow all her other...
Nowy ateizm w perspektywie teologicznej
Judeo-Christian Revelation shows not only God, but also a man, and all the reality as well, especially in their relation to God. Therefore, one is allowed to talk about “lay heresies”, that is the wrong understanding of...
Ty będziesz nazywał się Kefas (J 1, 42). Kefas i inne aramejskie osobowe nazwy własne w greckim tekście Nowego Testamentu
Everyone who studies the New Testament Bible must take into account its Aramaic background that results from several factors: – the Aramaic language was very popular in Roman Palestine during the first century A.D.; – th...
Roman Bartnicki, Dzieje głoszenia słowa Bożego. Jezus i najstarszy Kościół, Kraków: Petrus, 2015, ss. 362