‘Fraternity of civilizatios’ and the role of Islam

Journal Title: Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization (JITC) - Year 2012, Vol 2, Issue 0


The Clash of Civilizations has been extensively refuted, but remains a highly influential paradigm in international relations and intercultural discourse. It must, therefore, be exposed as a fallacious abstraction, and defeated through exploring ways to expand dialogue and intercultural communication. UN initiatives of Alliance of Civilizations, Khatami's initiative of Dialogue Among Civilizations and interfaith exchange are promising, but need to be taken up with commitment, sincerity and vision, and made more participatory and inclusive of authentic representatives across cultures. The West must abandon the myth of its superiority over all other cultures and its Orientalist lens vis-a-vis the East. It also needs to discard prejudice and stereotypes about the 'Other.' Conflict resolution is an urgent need in order to end the feeling of unfair victimization. Marginalized communities need to be integrated into the mainstream. Commonalities in religious tradition and cultures have to be highlighted and differences respectfully recognized. The role of religion in creating tolerance and peaceful co-existence must be explored, particularly the great potential of Islam as demonstrated in history for pluralism and egalitarianism, both essential for defeating the 'Clash'. The grounds for it are amply present both in the history of Islam, rich with narratives of pluralism, tolerance and peaceful co-existence with diverse communities and in the sacred texts of Islam - the Quran and the Prophet (SAW)‘s Sunnah. A reinterpretation of these sources highlighting their vast potential for conciliation and facilitation of intercultural dialogue is the need of the times.

Authors and Affiliations

Maryam Sakeenah


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  • EP ID EP488130
  • DOI 10.32350/jitc.21.06
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How To Cite

Maryam Sakeenah (2012). ‘Fraternity of civilizatios’ and the role of Islam. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization (JITC), 2(0), 89-103. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-488130