
У статті досліджено семантичні параметри та основний зміст концепту ЗБРОЯ. Розглянуто синонімічні ряди аналізованого концепту, а також лексеми, що його маркують у межах фразем, у латинській, німецькій та українській мовах. Виявлено спільні й відмінні семантичні значення лексем, що репрезентують цей концепт. The semantic parameters and the main content of the concept WEAPON have investigated in the article. Synonymic series of the analyzed concept, as well as foreign lexical units, which are labeled within the prasemes, in Latin, German and Ukrainian languages have been considered. The common and excellent semantic values of foreign lexical units representing the concept WEAPON were revealed in the article. The surrounding world is reflected in the minds of human beings embodied in lexical units, which are called concepts. The collective speech consciousness of a certain nation forms a system of values, the development of which is due to the cultural, linguistic and social experience of the socio-cultural community. Despite the fact that the study of various concepts in linguistic and cultural aspects is becoming increasingly popular, the concept WEAPON is left out of the linguists’ attention, in particular on the several languages material, which determines the relevance of our scientific research. The purpose of the article is to consider the concept WEAPON in Latin, German and Ukrainian prasemes. In accordance with the goal, the task was set: to outline the lexical-semantic meaning of the definition «weapon»; to define the inherent in different languages semantic parameters of the prasemes, within which the analyzed concept was verbalized. The proverbs and the sayings of the Latin, German and Ukrainian languages containing the foreign lexical units with the token «weapon» as a semantically key token served the material for this article. It was revealed that the concept «weapon» had been relevant in linguistic and cultural national traditions, as evidenced by numerous paremias in Latin, German and Ukrainian languages. The universal for languages was a significant number of parames with tokens to denote the concept WEAPON as a «sword» and «shield». Both the German and Ukrainian languages are characterized by a large number of borrowed lexical units of ancient and biblical origin. It is significant that at the present stage we can observe the separate formation of paramyas, simultaneous there is expanding the terminological body of the investigated concept. At the same time, the modern type of weapon development has led to the emergence of such new fixed lexical units as: biological weapons, weapons of mass destruction, chemical weapons, etc., which could be the subject of further scientific research.

Authors and Affiliations

Марина Леонідівна Кривич, Тетяна Анатоліївна Івасишина


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Марина Леонідівна Кривич, Тетяна Анатоліївна Івасишина (2018). ФРАЗЕМИ З КОНЦЕПТОМ ЗБРОЯ В ЛАТИНСЬКІЙ, НІМЕЦЬКІЙ ТА УКРАЇНСЬКІЙ МОВАХ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 11(19), 262-268. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-569464