Freedom of Contract against the Constitutional Non-discrimination Principle
Journal Title: Studia Prawnicze - Year 2018, Vol 215, Issue 3
The purpose of the theoretical considerations contained in this article is to attempt to define the ways to eliminate conflicts between the constitutional non-discrimination principle, as a reflection of the equal treatment principle, and the freedom of contract principle, as a reflection of the constitutionally protected party autonomy principle, which is a foundation of private law. On the background of the horizontal effect (radiation) of constitutional fundamental rights on individual rights, a question arises about which criteria shall decide in practice about the resolution of conflicts between the aforementioned principles within diversified trading, including mass consumer trading. In particular, a very important issue in the context of European standards, including European model law, is the question about the legal remedies (of a property [pecuniary] and non-property [nominal] nature) which may serve to eliminate the consequences of infringement of non-discrimination rights in the process of contracting. There is also the question of how far in scope the traditional civil law remedies serving the protection of personal rights – apart from instruments established by non-discrimination regulations – may find application in this field if vivid manifestations of non-discrimination violate human dignity, which is the foundation of the protection of personal rights.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Bierć
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