Myasthenia gravis is the most frequent autoimmune neuromuscular transmission disorder
with incidence of 2-20 patients per million. Its pathophysiology is autoimmune, with
acetylcholine receptor auto antibodies damaging...
Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) is the agent most commonly used for treatment of eclampsia and
prevention of eclampsia in patients with severe pre-eclampsia. Another commonly practiced offlabel use of this drug is in preventi...
Background: A few data are available on the effects of pregnancy on pulmonary function in
different countries. But no such established data are available in our country. So we designed
this study in our population. Obj...
Ice-on-Eyes Test in the Diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis
Myasthenia gravis is the most frequent autoimmune neuromuscular transmission disorder with incidence of 2-20 patients per million. Its pathophysiology is autoimmune, with acetylcholine receptor auto antibodies damaging...
Putaminal and White Matter Necrosis due to Methanol Intoxication
Not available
Late Presentations of Cancer in Kashmir, India
Abstract not available
Facts about Magnesium Sulfate: Time to Revise the Safety Concern in Obstetric Use
Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) is the agent most commonly used for treatment of eclampsia and prevention of eclampsia in patients with severe pre-eclampsia. Another commonly practiced offlabel use of this drug is in preventi...
Study of Forced Expiratory Volume in First Second (FEV1) and Ratio of Forced Expiratory Volume in First Second and Forced Vital Capacity in Percentage (FEV1/FVC%) in Pregnant Women
Background: A few data are available on the effects of pregnancy on pulmonary function in different countries. But no such established data are available in our country. So we designed this study in our population. Obj...