From the history of boiler construction: the contribution of V.G. Shukhov in engineering development


The article delivers the personal contribution of the outstanding engineer and scientist in the field of heat engineering, honorary academician V.G. Shukhov in development of boiler construction. The features of rational designs of V.G. Shukhov's boilers are shown in comparison with the boilers of other foreign systems. We also considered the main solutions to the design and construction of boilers used by V.G. Shukhov in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The influence of Shukhov's ideas on the formation and development of home boiler construction has been shown.

Authors and Affiliations

O. Aleksandrov


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How To Cite

O. Aleksandrov (2018). From the history of boiler construction: the contribution of V.G. Shukhov in engineering development. Історія науки і техніки: Збірник наукових праць Державного університету інфраструктури та технологій, 8(1), 7-11.