Frühgeschichtliche Wegeführungen im Recknitztal bei Laage, Lkr. Rostock Prehistoric roads in the Recknitz River valley near Laage, Lkr. Rostock Prehistoryczne drogi w dolinie rzeki Recknitz w pobliżu miejscowości Laage, Lkr. Rostok

Journal Title: Materiały Zachodniopomorskie - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue


In 2015 were discovered remains of wooden roads on three sites in the Recknitz River valley near Laage, Lkr. Rostock (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). On site Laage 33 survived two clusters of postholes interpreted as road 1 and 2, dated to around 1169 and 830 AD. On site Laage 34 were discovered a wooden road constructions dated by dendrochronological method to 528 (± 10) AD and remains of an slavonic pathway. Sections of a fifth wooden road construction were unearthed on site Subzin 18. It was dated to the period between 691 and 719 AD.

Authors and Affiliations

Jens-Peter Schmidt


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How To Cite

Jens-Peter Schmidt (2016). Frühgeschichtliche Wegeführungen im Recknitztal bei Laage, Lkr. Rostock Prehistoric roads in the Recknitz River valley near Laage, Lkr. Rostock Prehistoryczne drogi w dolinie rzeki Recknitz w pobliżu miejscowości Laage, Lkr. Rostok. Materiały Zachodniopomorskie, 0(), 413-425.