Functional dyspepsia - difficulties of diagnosis
Journal Title: Przewodnik Lekarza - Year 2005, Vol 82, Issue 10
Functional dyspepsia affected around 25% of Western Europe population. Though there are many conceptions of pathogenesis of functional dyspesia, that refer to motor disorders, secretory disorders, visceral pain threshold, influence of Helicobacter pylori infection, still no homogeneous pathophysiological basis was determined. Diagnosis of functional dyspepsia could be established thanks to development of endoscopy; one of the advantages of endoscopy is the possibility to diagnose early malignant lesions, with small rate of complications. It is still controversial if diagnosis of functional dyspepsia could be established in patients with microscopical changes in gastric mucosa. Standard therapy of functional dyspepsia still remains unclear. Many studies were performed to analyze the influence of drugs with prokinetic activity, inhibitors of gastric secretion and of eradication treatment on relieving the symptoms. In therapy of functional dyspepsia the intensity of complaints, duration and the influence on life quality should be considered.
Authors and Affiliations
Grażyna Piotrowicz, Beata Stępień
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