
The difficult political and economic situation in Ukraine caused a serious crisis in the domestic labor market, including and lawyers in the labor market. The prestigious and highly paid legal profession is gradually losing its credibility, as well as cost. At the same time, the requirements that employers nominate lawyers, increasing every year. Many employers have to enlist the help of professionals who could understand the legislative innovations that stimulate and increase demand. At the same time really legal professionals with management experience in the market is not much, and close reputable employer jobs very difficult. So it is possible to talk about the deficit against the backdrop of oversupply. With the development of market economy, the role of legal education has increased significantly and the number of law schools (schools and universities) involved in the preparation of lawyers Ukraine has increased tenfold. Training future lawyers involved is not only classical universities and specialized law schools and universities and technical universities and a completely non-legal profile. As a result, the labor market for young lawyers are now saturated. Ukrainian law schools is rapidly developing two levels of higher education: bachelor and master. It should be noted that it is difficult to say that the knowledge and competence of the modern bachelor-lawyer enough to work successfully, but in most of the degree of «Bachelor» is enough to start a successful career as a lawyer. To date, law schools and specialized high schools were able to implement specialized master’s programs in many areas of law and legal practice. In order to assess the stability orientation of students of Yaroslav Mudrii National Law University to obtain complete higher education in December 2015 conducted a complete survey of all students 4‑year institutions (schools), full time Analysis of the results revealed that the majority of students focused on getting complete higher legal education. The most important choice is the motivator NLU competitiveness of the labor market. This shows the high image of the university in Ukraine. Every 5–6 4‑year students no plans to continue training in magistracy. This choice is mainly caused by the high cost of education. Among other reasons, attention is drawn to the fact that 13.4% of this group of students did not bind further his professional career with legal practice, so consider a conditional diploma that indicates situational, pragmatic motivation of most training students

Authors and Affiliations

В. Л. Погрібна, І. В. Підкуркова


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  • EP ID EP184532
  • DOI 10.21564/2075-7190.29.70974
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How To Cite

В. Л. Погрібна, І. В. Підкуркова (2016). FUNCTIONING OF LEGAL MODERN LABOR MARKET SEGMENTS IN UKRAINE: SOCIO- POLITICAL ANALYSIS. Вісник Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого. Серія: філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія, 2(29), 69-79.