Fundament globalnych zagrożeń

Journal Title: Studies in Global Ethics and Global Education - Year 2018, Vol 9, Issue


Modern threatshavebeams with humanactivity. Thisactivityisinspired and organized by values. In the valuationmethod one shouldlook for the foundation of globalthreats. Valuationisconditioned by the form of culture in whichmanrealizeshisexistence. In the 21st century, twotypes of culturefunctionside by side: culture of provisionality and ecologicalculture. Both are the answer to a worldcalled to exist by humanactivity. Thisanswercan be twofold: adaptation to the situationoritscreativemodification. The firsttypeis most visible in culture, whichhasabandonedcontinuity in time for temporariness and accentuates the present. The secondtypeisseen in a culturethatemphasizeslastingvalues and promotesunderstandingorganized by the metaphor of the ecosystem. Ecologicalcultureprovidesideaswhoseimplementationis to make the worldfriendly to people and support life. In the culture of provisionality, we find a source of globalthreats. Ecologicalcultureappreciatesuniversalvalues, emphasizes the continuity of time and enablessolidarity. The culture of immediateitydoes not needuniversalvalues, itatomizestime and inspiresgreed and competition. Universal valuesgive a chance for such a relationship with a realitythatdoes not close the activity in a specific system of being. Theyenable the life of activitysystems and overcoming modern threats.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Krystyna Najder-Stefaniak


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  • EP ID EP424439
  • DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.8145
  • Views 121
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How To Cite

Krystyna Najder-Stefaniak (2018). Fundament globalnych zagrożeń. Studies in Global Ethics and Global Education, 9(), 16-28.