Gastric Ectopic Pancreas - A Case Report


Ectopic pancreas is a rare embryological abnormality apparently not in association with others. Stomach and duodenum are the most common organs involved. Symptoms are nonspecific.Patients may complain of dyspepsia, abdominal pain or intestinal obstruction. Diagnosis can be very challengingdue to the rarity of the disease and the absence of specific symptoms and radiological findings. Here we reporta case of Heterotopicpancreas in a gastric tissuein a 23 year old woman admitted to the emergency department due to acute upper gastro-intestinal symptoms.Endoscopic ultrasonography revealedsubmucosalgastric lesions.The patient underwent abdominal computed tomography, that showed gastric mass originating along the lesser curvature of the stomach.According to the patients symptoms, family history and radiological findings, the patient was scheduled for asurgical resection.In this case, gastric ectopic pancreas was found on routine histopathological examination. Clinical presentation of ectopic pancreas can be challenging, especially in an emergency setting. Diagnostic-therapeutic laproscopy should be considered in symptomatic patients.

Authors and Affiliations

Sameena B, ZoyaA,Ishrat Y


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  • EP ID EP734980
  • DOI 10.47191/ijmscrs/v2-i11-24
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How To Cite

Sameena B, ZoyaA, Ishrat Y (2022). Gastric Ectopic Pancreas - A Case Report. International Journal Of Medical Science And Clinical Research Studies, 2(11), -.