Gaz arrow and wine in the story of the battle of Rostam and Isfandiar
Journal Title: قند پارسی - Year 2019, Vol 1, Issue 1
In the story of the battle of Rostam and Isfandiar, to combinations of “Gaz arrow” and “wine” have raised questions and answers from many researchers. They have been focusing on this story and its elements from a number of viewpoints and presented various analyses. Reviewing these viewpoints, this paper tried to, firstly emphasis that structuralism interpretation of the elements of this story on the base of religious confrontation or tradition and modernity is an acceptable interpretation. Secondly, for this story and its elements a symbolic analysis can be represented and then these combinations can imply different symbolic meanings. Thirdly, the real interpretation of these elements is possible considering the documents of two books “Ajayebolmakhlooghat” [The wonders of creatures] and “Zaratooshtnameh” [book of Zaratoosht]. In that case, “Gaz arrow” and “wine” both are used in their real names having oldness and holiness used in the arrow which killed Isfandiar.
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دکتر اصغر شهبازی
Gaz arrow and wine in the story of the battle of Rostam and Isfandiar
In the story of the battle of Rostam and Isfandiar, to combinations of “Gaz arrow” and “wine” have raised questions and answers from many researchers. They have been focusing on this story and its elements from a number...
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