Gdański inwentarz pośmiertny toruńskiego drukarza Johanna Christopha Jungmanna z 1778 roku


In the years 1750-1759, Johann Christoph Jungmann was a tenant of the printing house in Torun. He was probably born around 1700 and from 1729 he was a printer in Jaworze in Silesia, from which he moved to Torun in 1750. He published, for example, the Torun hymnal (1752) and the artistic print to commemorate the 300th anniversary of incorporating Torun and Royal Prussia into the Crown in 1754. The activity of J. Ch. Jungmann after 1759 is not known; he was even omitted from the Torun biographic dictionary. Basedon documents found in the State Archive in Gdansk, it is known that J. Ch. Jungmann died in Gdansk on 27 October 1778 and was buried in the church of Saints Peter and Paul. After his death the inheritance proceedings took place; the inventory of his property was carried out, his debts were paid and the costs of his funeral were covered. The heir of his wealth was his son who lived in Tczew. This documentation has allowed us to learn about the life of J. Ch. Jungmann and remember his publishing legacy.

Authors and Affiliations

Edmund Kizik


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How To Cite

Edmund Kizik (2015). Gdański inwentarz pośmiertny toruńskiego drukarza Johanna Christopha Jungmanna z 1778 roku. Zapiski Historyczne. Poświęcone Historii Pomorza i Krajów Bałtyckich, 80(3), 169-178.