Gender Distribution among Administrative Positions in Ondo and Osun States Sports Councils
Journal Title: Choregia - Year 2017, Vol 13, Issue 2
This study investigated possible discrimination against female occupying higher administrative positions in two state sports councils. The study specifically identified the ratio of men to women in decision making, whether female occupying higher administrative positions are being discriminated against, factors hindering women from occupying higher administrative positions and possible solutions to encourage women to desire higher administrative positions in sports councils all with a view of determining gender distribution among administrative positions in the two States Sports Councils. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The population for this study comprised all the staff members of the two States Sports Councils. Purposive sampling technique was applied to select twenty-five (25) respondents from each state making a total of fifty (50) respondents from the two states sports councils. The questionnaire consisted of two sections. Section A dealt with the biodata while section B categorized into five sections generated the data used for the study. The data collected were analyzed descriptively using simple percentages in tabular form and inferential statistics. Based on the analysis, it was observed that; there was more male occupying various administrative positions in both sports councils, there was no discrimination against women in high administrative positions, lack of exposure and experiences were identified as the major factors hindering women’s involvement in the leadership role. The generated opinion was that women should be motivated to aspire for leadership positions in sports industry. Finding also showed that there was no significant difference in the ratio of men to women occupying higher administrative positions in Ondo and Ekiti State Sports Councils. It was therefore recommended that Government should increase and encourage women in leadership positions in sports industry.
Authors and Affiliations
J. B. Alla| Department of Physical and Health Education, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria, C. F. Akinnubi| Department of Physical and Health Education, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria
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