Gender Variation Studies at Level 2 Dermatoglyphic Details of the Kalabari Ethnic Group in Rivers State, Nigeria
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 11
Abstract: Dermatoglyphics was used by Dr. Harold Cummins which was coined from derma, skin + the Greek glyphe, carve’’. Simply put, dermatoglyphics is defined as the branch of science which studies the patterns of the skin (dermal) ridges present on human fingers, toes and the soles. Level 2 details of dermatoglyphics go beyond the conventional digital patterns arch, loops and whorls. It considers the individual ridges that make up the arch, loop and whorl patterns. It establishes uniqueness of individuals when done and the basis for identification in forensic studies. This study was therefore aimed at determining the level 2 details of the Kalabari people and to check for gender variations in the ethnic group. Non-experimental and analytical research with Digital Print Model adopted from Oghenemavwe and Osaat model. The sampling technique used was multi-stage sampling with simple random sampling and Cochran 1963 formula was used to determine the sample size. The data obtained was subjected to statistical analysis using chi-square and z-test. Bifurcation was found to be the most distributed pattern on both hands and in both sexes. The least distributed pattern was opposed bifurcation for the males, for the females double bifurcation on the right, opposed bifurcation and bridge on the left. Comparison of the patterns showed there was statistical significance (p<0.05) in the patterns between the males and females except Trifurcation and Dot. It therefore means that there is a big difference in the pattern distribution; this could be a result of the difference in hormones present in both sexes. This study has established that there is gender difference in the distribution of patterns at level 2 details which could be a diagnostic tool in forensics and a database at level 2 for this specific population. Keywords:Bifurcation; Trifurcation; Enclosure; Bridge; Dot
Authors and Affiliations
Paul, John Nwolim
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