General Aspects Concerning the Development of the North-West Region of Romania
Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2014, Vol 62, Issue 10
By this study we aimed to emphasize the main specific elements of the North-West Region, known also as North Transylvania, as well as to accomplish a study concerning the evolution of the main indicators characterizing the activity of this zone of the country over the period 2007-2013. In this respect, we have submitted and analysed the region from the point of view of the geographic position, the available resources, administrative organization, demographic structure, the structure of the economic agents depending on the field in which they are running their activity, the touristic potential as well as the importance of drawing non-reimbursable European funds for the economic activity of the region.
Authors and Affiliations
Alexandru MANOLE, Aurelian DIACONU, Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL
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