General Aspects on Developments in Equity Investments in Romania

Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2016, Vol 64, Issue 4


In this paper, the authors realize a complex review on the evolution of capital investments in Romania. The increase of capital investments is seen as one of the factors that will contribute in a favorable manner to the economic development, not only in Romania or Europe. The authors describe the overall evolution of the investments, the elements that influence the efficiency and the evolution of the Direct Foreign Investments.

Authors and Affiliations

Constantin ANGHELACHE, Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE, Cristina SACALĂ


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How To Cite

Constantin ANGHELACHE, Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE, Cristina SACALĂ (2016). General Aspects on Developments in Equity Investments in Romania. Revista Romana de Statistica, 64(4), 74-90.