General social measures which prevent frauds commited by using of electronic communications
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2019, Vol 15, Issue 1
General social measures of crime prevention, as a complex of promising socio-economic and cultural-educational measures, are aimed at reducing social contradictions in all spheres of public life. These measures should belong to the reasonable economic-organizational, cultural and educational activities of state bodies, enterprises, institutions, firms, public organizations. General social prevention of cybercrime is to reduce social contradictions, crime-fighting confrontations of different layers of the population, to create the necessary conditions for the legalization of obtaining adequate incomes by citizens, and to promote the construction of a solid foundation for the normal functioning of all social spheres. The article deals with topical issues of counteraction to cybercrime. Particular attention is paid to illegal operations for property seizure through fraud or abuse of trust, the mechanism of implementation of which is impossible without the use of electronic computing. In particular, a comprehensive study of measures to counteract this category of crimes is conducted. The results of a special criminological research, which is provided by sociological methods, questionnaires of the profile audience of respondents, are given. The criminological basis of the study is the question of general social measures for the prevention of frauds committed with the use of electronic computers (computers), automated systems, computer networks or telecommunication networks. The main aspects of the work of the units of the National Police of Ukraine, in the sphere of counteraction to cybercrime, are also considered. It is noted that the issue of the rapid development of crimes in the sphere of using electronic communication means, and first of all, frauds committed with the help of electronic computing, carries socially dangerous consequences that affect all spheres of state functioning.
Authors and Affiliations
Lev Lefterov, Лев Лефтеров
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