Genetic transformation of Populus nigra X P. deltoides (black poplar, clone Gradizka)


Aim. To carry out genetic transformation of poplar Populus nigra x P. deltoides clone Gradizka with the model gene construct pCB002 carrying selective gene of kanamycin resistance and marker gene of β-glucuronidase. Methods. Genetic transformation was performed with the using leaf, stem and petiole poplar explants. Transformants were selected on the medium with kanamycin, and transgene was identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and histochemical GUS assay. Results. Successful transformants selected on kanamycin media were confirmed by the presence of PCR-product for the gene nptII with the length 700 bp, and gus gene expression was also observed. Conclusions. Protocol for genetic transformation of P. nigra x P. deltoides clone Gradizka established here will be used for poplar genetic modification to create new clones with commercially important traits. Keywords: genetic transformation, Populus sp., microclonal propagation.

Authors and Affiliations

N. K. Kutsokon, V. A. Rudas, M. V. Shinkaruk, O. R. Lakhneko, B. V. Morgun, N. M. Rashydov, D. M. Grodzynsky


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  • EP ID EP613736
  • DOI 10.7124/visnyk.utgis.14.2.686
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How To Cite

N. K. Kutsokon, V. A. Rudas, M. V. Shinkaruk, O. R. Lakhneko, B. V. Morgun, N. M. Rashydov, D. M. Grodzynsky (2016). Genetic transformation of Populus nigra X P. deltoides (black poplar, clone Gradizka). Вісник Українського товариства генетиків і селекціонерів, 14(2), 187-191.