Genetic variability and divergence analysis for yield and yield contributing traits in released varieties of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under partially reclaimed saline sodic soil

Journal Title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science - Year 2016, Vol 8, Issue 4


Genetic variability is the back bone of crop improvement programme, effectiveness of selection depends upon nature and magnitude of genetic variability present in the genetic material. The aim of the present study was that to identify the potential genotypes performing well under partially reclaimed saline- sodic soil (pH 8.6-8.9, EC = 4-4.2 dSm-1, ESP = > 15). Sixty four released varieties of barley collected from Directorate of Wheat Research, Karnal were grown during rabi season 2010-11, showing wide spectrum of variation for various characters. The characters studied were yield and yield contributing traits; namely plant height, days to maturity, fertile tillers / plant, length of main spike, grains per main spike, 1000-grains weight, grain yield per plant. The data on 7 characters was utilized for estimation of mean, range and least significant differences. The varieties RD-2552(8.52), HBL-276(8.35), RD- 2592(8.17), PL-419(8.15), Kedar(8.11), PL-751(8.10), JB-58(8.06), K-508(7.96) produced higher grain yield per plant and showed high to very high mean performance for several other yield component also. These selected varieties can be used in breeding program and can be recommended direct cultivation under partially reclaimed salinesodic soil.

Authors and Affiliations

Arun Kumar, Baudh Bharti, Jaydev Kumar, P. N. Verma, J. P. Jaiswal, G. P. Singh, S. R. Vishwakarma


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How To Cite

Arun Kumar, Baudh Bharti, Jaydev Kumar, P. N. Verma, J. P. Jaiswal, G. P. Singh, S. R. Vishwakarma (2016). Genetic variability and divergence analysis for yield and yield contributing traits in released varieties of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under partially reclaimed saline sodic soil. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(4), 2273-2277.