Genetical-selection research of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) on the north megaslope of the Ukrainian Carpathians


Studies show that genetic reserves of the European spruce, which are objects of a valuable gene pool, require much more frequent surveys, compared with other species. The best method of their preservation should be measures enabling the possibility of replacing the overmature stands with their offspring. Low preservation of plus trees of the European spruce (35.9 %) in the region of research is an important indicator of a significant depletion of the gene pool of the breed. In the future, attention should be paid to their selection in the highland forest seed sub-region (above 1250 m above sea level). Research on fertility of clones on clonal seed plantations of the European spruce showed a possibility of significant reduction of the genetic diversity of seeds in years with less intensity of “bloom”, especially female “bloom”.

Authors and Affiliations

Yu. I. Hayda, V. D. Hudyma, R. Yatsyk


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How To Cite

Yu. I. Hayda, V. D. Hudyma, R. Yatsyk (2012). Genetical-selection research of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) on the north megaslope of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Лісівництво і агролісомеліорація, 121(), 73-81.