Генезис використання службових тварин під час здійснення оперативно-розшукової діяльності


У статті досліджено генезис використання службових тварин під час здійснення оперативно-розшукової діяльності. У результаті проведеного дослідження констатовано, що генезис задіювання службових тварин свідчить про те, що процес становлення використання собак у правоохоронній діяльності пройшов шлях від застосування останніх у мисливській та військовій справі до окремої ланки в структурі правоохоронної діяльності, зокрема собак почали використовувати на професійно-регулярній основі для пошуку запахових слідів, передачі даних, охорони об’єктів і людей, затримання правопорушників тощо. The genesis of the use of official animals during operational and investigative activities is explored. In particular, the author studies the use of official animals during certain historical stages of the existence of society. The role of animals in law-enforcement activity in many countries of the world, in particular our country, has been determined, with the distinction of features determined by certain historical factors and events. Also, taking into account the analysis of the practice of using animals, it was stated that the greatest and most ancient role in law-enforcement activity was played by dogs, the periods of formation of which as one of the varieties of official animals may be conditionally divided into: – from the second century until e. until the middle of the fourteenth century. N. e. - mostly used during hunting and hostilities as a means of transmitting information (message / letter) or travel. In rare cases, during persecution, the smell of dogs was used; – from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century. - are beginning to be used for the guard service. At the same time, there are isolated cases of dog training for the search for a person after her, begin to apply dog-surveyors and dog-couriers; – February 08, 1816 to 1896 - begin to be used in police activities, to be involved in conducting special operations; – 1896 - 60th years of the twentieth century. - Official dogs are taken to the police service by the police, they are included in the criminal search state, special training courses are organized, special schools of police dogs and nurseries for cynological centers are opened, and the use of dogs is intensively introduced into the use of dogs to detect crimes; – 60th years of the twentieth century. to this day - the discovery and definition of the hydrological method, the creation of data banks of aquatic information, the use of official dogs in everyday activities, in particular operational search. In the course of studying the subject of the article it is grounded that today it is advisable to speak about the possibility of using official animals, and not only official dogs. As a general conclusion of the study, the author determined that the genesis of the use of official animals suggests that the process of the formation of the use of dogs in law enforcement activities has gone from the use of the latter in the hunting and military affairs until the gradual seizure of a separate link in the structure of law enforcement, in particular dogs began to be used on professional-regular basis for the search for smell traces, data transfer, protection of objects and people, detention of offenders, etc.

Authors and Affiliations

Сергій Володимирович Пеньков


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Сергій Володимирович Пеньков (2017). Генезис використання службових тварин під час здійснення оперативно-розшукової діяльності. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 80(4), 111-119. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-416951