Journal Title: Academic Research International - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 2
Geospatial techniques were used to analyze the position and size, topography and relief, drainage and hydrology, soils, landuse and landcover as well as the settlements of Biu Plateau in this paper. The land area of Biu plateau was extracted from Digital Elevation Dataset of Shuttle Radar Topographical Mission (SRTM) DEM data which was acquired online. The DEM data was processed to generate the elevation, slope and 3-Dimentional view of the plateau which were all used to analyze the plateau. The soil type of the plateau was extracted from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) soil types, while the landuse and landcover was generated from a classified Landsat Satellite image of 2015 obtained online from ArcGIS 10.1 software was used to classify and calculate the land areas of the plateau and to determine the heights and area coverage of some features of interest. The study revealed that the plateau was found to occupy mainly Biu and Hawul LGAs with little extensions into Kwaya Kusar in Borno State as well as into Gulani and Gujba LGA in Yobe State. The total land area of the plateau that has been hitherto quoted as more than 5,000 km2 was discovered in this study to occupy only a land area of 2635.12 km2. The Craters and Crater lakes on the plateau were identified, while the heights and area coverage of each of them were also generated. The main soils type of the plateau was found to be Phaeozem and Leptosols, the plateau was also found to be mainly covered by grasses and shrubs. It was recommended that the plateau can be harnessed for tourism because of the presence of attractive natural features like plateau, craters and crater lakes, and since the plateau consists of abundant grasses and shrubs, the Federal and Borno State government can make the plateau a good site for animal grazing like the Obudu cattle ranch in southern Nigeria.
Authors and Affiliations
Ikusemoran Mayomi
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